Can you efficiently quit?

Would you like to learn all the languages of the world? I hope so! Me too, but, let me share a secret with you… We are not super humans! We all have limits. We can expand our minds, but in some point we will find the limit.So Patrick, are you saying that we have a certain number of languages that you believe impossible to go ahead and learn some more?


No! I saw Luca Lampariello and 13 sounds too much, then Tim Doner and 20 sounds too much, than Ioannis Ikonomou and.. c’mon! 32 languages? It is amazing, but let me tell you one thing.. this is not the goal.

Recently I saw some people saying… I speak X languages, and then, another one saying… really? I speak more than you! So, third person saying.. I speak more than both of you! Let me say… this is useless. It is not a competition.

A few considerations here. First, if you learn the language but don’t respect the culture, you lost the point. If you fix in this description bellow, think again.

“My native language is XXX and I speak a little YYY, a little ZZZ, a little WWW, a little QQQ, a little RRR, a little TTT, a couple of sentences in FFF and I am very begginer in DDD. I know nothing about any cultural background of these languages and I cannot hold a conversation in any language (Just my native one). ”

It is a joke, but it is sad too. That’s why you need to know how to quit! Let me share my example first.

I started to learn Japanese, Hebrew, and then, Greek, Arabic, after this, Romanian, could I speak these languages? Just a little! So… I gave up Romanian, I stopped with Japanese, and I postponed Arabic. Now my Hebrew is better, so, I came back with Arabic and Greek.

It is not a reason to feel bad! There is a concept in business named lean startup, and let me keep it simple. you need to cut things to be efficient, adapt yourself, and another point.. Romanian is a beautiful language and it doesn’t deserve to be studied like this, we need time to deal with each language.


Now, I just keep my old languages and I am spending time with my 3 loves (Arabic, Hebrew and Greek. New videos coming soon). I don’t feel bad about it! I feel that now I am more efficient and that is the point!

You need to speak the language not to play with it! Cut to build!


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