10 Impressive Polyglots from Comic books

First, this time, leave the adults out. Bring your internal child and let me show the list of 10 impressive Polyglots from comic books!

  • 10 – Wolverine:


– A lot of people know this one because movies, cartoons and the great role played by Hugh Jackman, but, did you know that he is fluent in Japanese and Spanish (plus English)

  • 9 – Super boy:


– Not so famous, but this character appears in a lot of versions, but in the most recent, in the cartoon, Young Justice, in the first episode, they show use that he is a clone of Superman, but a Polyglot one!

  • 8 – Green Arrow:


– This character spent a long time without a good history. In Comic books he was like a bad version of Batman, but, in his new TV Series: Oliver Queen, played by Stephen Amell, spent some time in China, Some time in Russia and some time training with Ra’s al ghul. During this show, Oliver speaks English, Mandarin, Russian and Arabic, until now. Good reborn for the character.

  • 7 – The Punisher:


– Frank Castle, Ex-Seal, the popular Bad*ss hero from Marvel, he is cruel, he kills the bad guys, but what not everybody knows is that Castle is a Polyglot! In the movie from 2004 with Thomas Jane, during a scene when they are reading the file about Frank, it is reviled that he speaks 5 languages.

  • 6 –  Ravena (Teens titans):

Teen Titans (Raven) (1)

– One girl! Yep, Ravena is the creepy character from DC comics, showed in a light version in the cartoon Teen Titans. She is daughter of the Demon Triggon and use dark powers saying mysterious words… But, interesting detail, Ravena speaks ga lot of languages. During one animated movie it is reviled. She speaks English, German, Romanian, Sanskrit, Latin and more languages!

  • 5 – Kingpin:


– The bad guy from Marvel has a lot of versions, but recently, he appears on the Netflix’s shows Daredevil. This evil businessman is a master of strategy, and very smart, aaand.. he speaks a lot of languages…. including Mandarin and Japanese. (The actor seems to suffer to speak Mandarin hahaha, but it is a nice job!)

  • 4 – Madam Gao:


– Character from Marvel too, she appears on the same show as Kingpin, but, this mysterious evil old lady is interesting. She speaks during the show that she can speak all the languages of the world.

  • 3 – Black Widow:


– Famous character played by Scarlett Johansson, the Russian spy, Natasha Romanoff, is a kind of genius, master of a lot of martial arts and… in Comic books AND in the movie Iron man 2, she appears like an impressive Polyglot who speaks fluently a lot of languages, including Latin.

  • 2 – The beast (X-men)


– The awesome mutant Hank McCoy is a genius, he is an intellectual, fights for Mutant rights, but, the most impressive thing from this guy is, he speaks English, German, French, Latin, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Russian and the language from Dr. Doom’s country. Ah, and he studies dead languages too.

  • Cypher (Marvel Comics)


Ok, he is not a famous character but deserves the first place for me. Why? Who is he?

Doug Ramsey is a mutant from X-men universe, and his power is: to understand ALL THE LANGUAGES of the world. Not just spoken languages, he can understand computer languages, corporal languages and every type of act that produce information. Awesome.

  • The Bonus Character:


He is not from Comic books. Ok, but… did you see the movie Limitless? With Bradley Cooper?

In this history, a man name Eddie Morra took a pill and poof, access all the power of his brain… During the movie, he describes what he could do with this pill. Including become fluent in a language just listening it.

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